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grand theft auto中文是什么意思

用"grand theft auto"造句"grand theft auto"怎么读"grand theft auto" in a sentence


  • 疯狂恋爱跑天下
  • 横行霸道
  • 汽车大盗
  • 侠盗飞车
  • 侠盗猎车手i


  • Caught after grand theft auto resisting arrest
  • Over your first disappearing act . now it ' s grand theft auto
  • . . . over your first disappearing act . now it ' s grand theft auto
    . . .在你们第一次失踪后现在又要偷豪华汽车
  • Four counts , grand theft auto
  • Grand theft auto : vice city
  • Burglary , grand theft auto
  • Lou and karl steele , armed robbery , grand theft auto . you met him at treasure lsland
  • Most gamers are quite happy to sit on a sofa or a beanbag when playing “ gears of war ” or “ grand theft auto
  • After being imprisoned for six years on a grand theft auto charge , rudy duncan ( ben affleck ) and his cellmate nick ( james frain ) are finally going to be paroled
  • We think that the ladult is probably too busy playing grand theft auto san andreas , or cooking up a storm in the kitchen before heading out for a few whiskies in the pub with his mates , to really care
    我们认为,来雅士可能太忙于玩《侠盗猎车:圣安地列斯》 ,或者在酒吧与同事小酌一些威士忌之前在厨房制造一场风波,而不能真正顾及。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"grand theft auto"造句  
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